Introduction to Diversity Course Guide

Social Justice Topic Resources

Need help picking a social justice topic?  Try these resources:

Finding Articles on Social Justice Topics

A great place to start your research is Opposing Viewpoints, a collection of research guides on popular current issues. Each research guide contains full-text articles and book chapters.

You can browse an alphabetical list of topics by clicking on the Browse Issues icon or type your topic into the search box.  As you type your topic, suggested terms will appear.  If you see your topic in bold, capital letters, click on it.  That means there is a customized research guide on that topic.

Opposing Viewpoints search box

Each research guide starts with an overview article, which typically contains a definition of the topic, as well as the history and main ideas.  Below the overview are the search results by resource category, including articles (Academic Journals, Magazines and News) and book chapters (Viewpoints).

Scroll down to the bottom for links to Related Topics, such as Disability Rights, Income Inequality, Slavery Reparations,and Welfare Reform.

Click on any article or book chapter title to read the full text. There are helpful links at the top of the screen, including Cite (copy and paste the MLA or APA citation), Download, and Send To (save to your OneDrive!).