English Composition Course Guide

Work-Life Balance Research Tips

Synonyms and related terms

  • work-life interface
  • work-life harmony
  • work-life wellbeing
  • work-life integration
  • work-family balance

Ask yourself

  • What is “work-life balance”? Has this concept changed throughout history? Did the COVID-19 pandemic produce a significant shift in perspective on work-life balance?
  • How do different perspectives (for instance: gender, caregiving status, socioeconomic background, generational differences, personality type, and/or cultural background) impact one’s ability to find a healthy work-life balance? 
  • Does the employer (or organization) have a role in facilitating work-life balance? Or does the responsibility rest with the individual? 
  • What are the most significant and best-supported solutions for finding a healthy work-life balance as stated in our class sources? Is one approach more valid or beneficial than others? 

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