Creating an EBSCO Learning Express PrepSTEP Assignment in Canvas
Faculty can now make assignments in Canvas for online tutorials, practice tests, and more through the EBSCO Learning Express external tool option!
Navigate to the Assignments page and click the +Assignment button.
Fill in the required details and set the Submission Type to External Tool
Click the Find button and select EBSCO Learning Express.
Click the Save & Publish button.
Launch the newly created assignment. (Note: If the app linked to the assignment is launched for the first time, then the "Register your LTI Advantage App" page is displayed. Enter the Access Key: A58E3C8B-F091-4929-B7B2-32E47AB1F81F and click the Submit button).
Select the appropriate options from the Center, Category, and Subcategory drop downs.
Click the Preview button to preview the resource.
Click the Select button to assign a resource to the content.
A "Congratulations" message will be displayed after assigning the resource.