PrepSTEP (EBSCO Learning Express) - Online Practice Tests

Finding a Practice Test

If you know the name of the test, type it into the Search box at the top of the screen. A list of all the tests containing the term appear beneath the search box.

If you do not know the exact name of a test or would like to browse, you can choose a Category from the middle of the screen. 

  • Career Preparation includes occupational licensing and certification practice tests, as well as nursing and health sciences entrance tests.
  • High School Equivalency Center contains GED practice tests.
  • Placement Test Preparation contains practice tests for the Accuplacer and other college placement exams.

Starting a Test

After you log in and find a test, click on Start Test

Choose the desired test mode and click on Start Test again. 

The default test mode is Practice: See answer explanations after you have finished. If the test is timed, the timer will display but will not be enforced.

text mode options simulation practice learner

You have the option to complete and score the test in one sitting or save the test and finish it later (see buttons at top of screen).


Viewing Results and Using the My Center Feature

When you have completed a test, click on Score My Test at the top of the page 

You can even view the answers so you can learn from any mistakes you may have made.

To see a history of tests you have completed and ones currently in progress, click on Your Name-->My Center at the top of the screen. 

Finding GED Practice Tests

Once you access PrepSTEP

  1. Click on High School Equivalency Center.
  2. Then click on Prepare for the GED Test . To take GED practice tests in Spanish, click on GED en Español.
  3. Then select the Practice Tests link under Reasoning through Language Arts, Mathematical Reasoning, Science, or Social Studies.

To start a test, click on Start Test.

Finding Accuplacer Practice Tests

Once you access PrepSTEP,

  1. Type accuplacer into the search box at the top of the screen. The list of Accuplacer tests appears below the search box.
  2. Click on the desired test.
  3. Click the Start Test button.

Additional Accuplacer study resources are available on Study Success Accuplacer guide.

Finding Spanish-Language Practice Tests

In the middle of the screen, click on Recursos Para Hispanohablantes.  Then click on the desired subject.

  • Mejore sus habilidades escritas, orales y gramaticales
  • Sea mejor lector
  • Desarrolle sus habilidades matemáticas
  • Prepárese para el examen de GED®
  • Sea ciudadano estadounidense

To start a test, click on Start Test.