Google Scholar and the NWTC Library

Finding NWTC Library Articles in Google Scholar

Once you have set your library preferences, you can simply type in your keywords and click Search.

You will get a results list containing scholarly articles on your subject. Use the limits on the left side to narrow your search.

If the article is available in the  e-journals from the NWTC collection, you will see a direct link on the right side to Full-Text @ NWTC Library. That means you can click the link to read the article (and can link to it from Canvas using the article’s persistent url).

Full-text may also be available through alternate links.

What if there is no full text link?

If you do not see a link to full-text for a particular article, click on the double-arrows icon at the end of the citation.

Double arrows at the end of the citation information.

Then click on Full-Text @ NWTC Library.

Link to Full-text @ NWTC Library at the end of the citation.

A new window will open where you can Submit an ILL request. Click Go to complete the request form. 

Citation with a Go link at the end


Fill out the request form. Please note that required fields are marked with an *. Borrower ID is your NWTC ID. Click Send Request when you have completed the form. The Library will request a free copy of the article from another library and email it to you.