Current, Controversial Topics: A Research Guide

Need to find a Wisconsin source?

Can't find a substantial article on your topic in the GB Press Gazette? Try Library Search, a tool that allows you to search a majority of the library's physical and electronic resources using one simple search box. Just add the word Wisconsin to the search, like this:

  • "car seat" safety Wisconsin
  • hunting laws Wisconsin
  • immigration Wisconsin

Still can't find a source you like?  Try a customized Google search.  Did you know that you can limit your results to resources on university or government websites? Just add or to your search!

  • "car seat" safety Wisconsin
  • hunting laws Wisconsin

Couldn't find anything in SIRS or Opposing Viewpoints?

Have you picked a topic that isn't covered well (or at all) in SIRS or Opposing Viewpoints?  No need to panic!

You have more options, including:

Need to find statistics?

Looking for statistics?  Use Google and limit your results to educational institutions (college, university) and government sources by adding or to your search

  • “war on drugs” statistics
  • drug legalization statistics
  • decriminalization cost statistics

Other Resources That Help You Pick a Topic