Faculty Services/Policies at the NWTC Library

Library Search


Specialized Faculty Resources

Starfish Referrals

Faculty can use Starfish to make referrals to the Library for either Technology assistance or Research assistance.

Use the Library Research Assistance Referral for students who need help choosing or narrowing a paper topic, completing academic research, or citing APA or MLA sources.

Use the Library Technology Referral for students who need personalized help with Canvas or other software (do not use for laptop requests).

Faculty can also use Notes to share instructions with students about how to apply for a laptop.  Add the Informational: Program Student Laptop Application Note or the Informational: Adult Basic Ed Laptop Application Note and check the box to copy the student.



NWTC recognizes that some employees may need to borrow a laptop temporarily due to special circumstances (conferences, laptop repair, etc.). To meet these needs, the Green Bay Library has a small collection of employee laptops for short loans. Employees who are scheduled full-time or regularly part-time (not part-time faculty) should contact the NWTC Help Desk (Help.Desk@nwtc.edu) directly for laptop needs related to their normal employment needs. 


  • Employee Temporary Laptops circulate for 2 weeks (with the option of renewing only twice) before they need to be returned.
    • Longer circulation times (or permanent requests) will not be allowed. These laptops are not intended to be checked out by faculty for a full session to teach a course.
    • Employees can check out another laptop (if available) after returning their laptop in good condition by the due date.
    • If a semi-permanent/permanent laptop checkout is needed, the employee or supervisor will need to inform Xue Yang from the Help Desk (who will discuss options with the department or ELT).  The Library will not be able to provide extended check out options.
  • Employees can come to the Green Bay Library to check out a laptop or can contact the Library to ship a laptop to another NWTC location on the weekly courier. If employees contact the Help Desk for short loan requests, they will be referred to the Green Bay Library.
  • As with any NWTC equipment, the employee is responsible for the care of the equipment. Accidents will occur; however, consistent damage or lack of care may result in the employee/department being responsible for the repair/replacement of the equipment.  

Library Guides

Visit the Library Guides home page to see all the guides available to your students (including a custom guide for each program).

Make a Reservation

Contact the Library staff to reserve laptops, books, or videos.

Just give us the titles and the dates, and we will have your materials waiting for you at the Library's Circulation Desk (on the campus of your choice!)

You can also book equipment or get on the waiting list for books/videos by searching for them in the Library Catalog.

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